No Day at the Beach

Yesterday was no day at the beach. Okay,technically I suppose you could twist the facts around and put a major league,curve ball spin on it and call it a day at the beach. You know,if you want to get hung up on little details like how I spent the entire day at [...]

There are Only Four Things Certain Since Social Progress Began

(alternatively entitled –with all due apologies) Though I’ve Belted You and Flayed You,By the Livin’Gawd That Made You;You’ve Made a Worser Man of Me,Socialism

“And a woman is only a woman,but a good cigar is a smoke”(from The Betrothed). I have loved Rudyard Kipling from the very first [...]

The NAR Backs the FHA…Who’s Backing You?

Late last week the House of Representatives passed H.R. 5072,the so-called FHA Reform Bill. One of the major components of that bill (you can read the text of the bill here),raises the monthly insurance premium for all FHA buyers. What does that mean to your bottom line? Currently,the FHA monthly premium [...]

Define the Tipping Point

The following began as a comment to a great post put up by Greg Swann recently,in which he excerpted a terrific article from Mark Steyn on income taxes and suckers:

…by 2004,20% of U.S. households were getting about 75% of their income from the federal government…how receptive would they be to a [...]

A Future By Halves vs. A Future of Have-Nots

Voluntaryism vs Social Democracy

Two quick polls:First,all those who enjoy belonging to a society that provides some minimal safety net for the least among us,please raise your hands…Ahh,I see some hands going up. Very good. Second,all those who occasionally enjoy being forced to do something against their will by [...]

The End of the Neo-Pros,the Beginning of Real Nastiness…or Both?

The worm is turning. Now for the real question:is it too late? Are we left with ugly but self-interested politicians,who run for the middle –or elitist Neo-Pros,who take Chicago politics to a new level? 2010′s going to be a bumpy ride…

More here.

What’s in a name? That Which We Call a “Job”Summit,by Any Other Name…

“When I use a word,”Humpty Dumpty said,in rather a scornful tone,“it means just what I choose it to mean —neither more nor less.”

“The question is,”said Alice,“whether you can make words mean so many different things.”

“The question is,”said Humpty Dumpty,“which is to be master —that’s [...]

Join the DOER Revolution

The $8000 first time home buyer tax credit is a mistake. Congress should have enacted the original idea:a $15,000 tax credit. This goes for the repeat home buyer tax credit as well. As a matter of fact,I would like to have seen both tax credits even higher. If you’ll maintain an open mind [...]

Is Goldman Sachs Over-Paid for Doing “God’s Work?”

I guess I haven’t reached that point in my life yet when I’m so jaded (or is it cynical) that nothing will surprise me. I say this after reading an interesting little article in the London TimesOnline. They had the chance to interview Lloyd Blankfein,the Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs. It seems he’s [...]

Deeds for Lease Program:More Bad Ideas from the Bad Idea Factory

Fannie Mae announced today it’s implementation of the Deeds for Lease Program (which name,interestingly,they have trademarked). I cannot begin to count the problems with this latest attempt by the government to sober up an alcoholic nation by supplying enough booze to drown a water hippo.

You can read the press release and imagine [...]