Wanna Be a Big Hitter? Spend Some Time on Your Legacy

“A little song,a little dance,a little seltzer down your pants. A final end,a funeral’s toll,a little wisdom for your soul.”

Legacy is a bitch for most of us. What will you be remembered for? Do you know? Are you sure? Me? Heck,right now I’d be happy to simply know it’s [...]

Do the BAD Thing…

The Unexpected Hanging Paradox:

A judge tells a condemned prisoner that he will be hanged at noon on one weekday in the following week but that the execution will be a surprise to the prisoner. He will not know the day of the hanging until the executioner knocks on his cell door at noon that [...]

No Day at the Beach

Yesterday was no day at the beach. Okay,technically I suppose you could twist the facts around and put a major league,curve ball spin on it and call it a day at the beach. You know,if you want to get hung up on little details like how I spent the entire day at [...]

There are Only Four Things Certain Since Social Progress Began

(alternatively entitled –with all due apologies) Though I’ve Belted You and Flayed You,By the Livin’Gawd That Made You;You’ve Made a Worser Man of Me,Socialism

“And a woman is only a woman,but a good cigar is a smoke”(from The Betrothed). I have loved Rudyard Kipling from the very first [...]

The Mirror Effect

Do you ever wonder how to deal with someone else’s opinion of you –especially if it’s negative? Not how to handle a negative or even rude opinion;early on you should have learned that politeness is how we handle almost any situation. No,I’m asking if you have a mechanism or coping skill for [...]

A Future By Halves vs. A Future of Have-Nots

Voluntaryism vs Social Democracy

Two quick polls:First,all those who enjoy belonging to a society that provides some minimal safety net for the least among us,please raise your hands…Ahh,I see some hands going up. Very good. Second,all those who occasionally enjoy being forced to do something against their will by [...]

The Only Thing We Have to Fear,is Ourselves

In my late twenties,as a trader on the floor of the options exchange,I was a “Master of the Universe”. That’s a very common affliction down there. Apparently,when you put a bunch of young,fearless,risk-takers together and give them the power to move markets around the world,you end up with a [...]

Join the DOER Revolution

The $8000 first time home buyer tax credit is a mistake. Congress should have enacted the original idea:a $15,000 tax credit. This goes for the repeat home buyer tax credit as well. As a matter of fact,I would like to have seen both tax credits even higher. If you’ll maintain an open mind [...]

The #1 Obstacle to Success

What keeps us from our goals? Whether it be work,personal,health,money;what is the number one obstacle to achieving our potential? Assuming our goals are attractive to us and within our ability,shouldn’t we reasonable expect to achieve a majority of them? Yet most of the people I talk to say they’re not [...]

On Mortgages and Moral Compunction

What would it take for you to walk away from your mortgage?

Kenneth Harney,in his column Nation’s Housing,reports on an interesting study recently done by the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business and Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. This study took a look at homeowner’s attitudes toward mortgage defaults,specifically what’s [...]