Thought for the Day

“Government is a necessary evil. And the greater the distance of the government from the effects of their decisions… the more evil government necessarily becomes.”

Comments? PS There are no bonus points for Googling the quote.

Learning to Appreciate the Arts

Not everyone appreciates the entertainment value of watching the body politic. But I do. I stand hands on hips,amazed by the intricate movements each player contributes to their tap dance around the truth. I listen to their spin,enthralled by the rhythm and stunned by their ability to stand upon the dais and look [...]

Point / Counter-Point

Michael Cook wrote a thought provoking post earlier entitled What Happens to the Early Worm. So thought provoking that I found my comments drifting to post length. So how about a little point/counter-point?

Michael,a very detailed and thoughtful post. I would not disagree with you that cautiousness is a safe strategy (although not always [...]

You Don’t Always Get What You Want,But If You Try Sometime,You Might Find,You Get What You Need

If you are a mortgage holder who is either struggling with crushing payments,bitter for having overpaid for your home during the bubble,or who has extravagantly refinanced when prices were rising,the government’s landmark $700 billion bailout package has an important message for you:stop making your mortgage payments.

So says Peter Schiff,president [...]

And Now,No Reason to Root At All

Last week,while watching the House contort itself in a self-serving round of navel-gazing over the bailout package,I pondered two connotations of their disconnect with the populace. Taken together they are a question really,that looks at the motivation behind politicians’ decisions;the metaphysical understanding of a Representative if you will. This question in [...]

No One to Root For…

I wrote yesterday that we were Front Seat to History,but main stream press continues to miss it and I fear I was a little too cavalier in my writing. The real story here is not the initial failure of the bailout,but the in-your-face blatancy of our politicians. There is no longer even the [...]

Front Seat to History

Whether or not you approved of the bailout,you have to count yourself lucky to be witnessing an historic event. Take a good,hard look at what is unfolding before us. One elected official after another said they could not vote for this legislation because their constituents back home were not in favor of it [...]

Alex,I’ll Take “Terrifying”for $1000

Even with all the financial failure that surrounds us,I still find myself loathe to accept any type of government intervention. We throw around comments like “too big to fail” but rarely examine the end game. Greg Swann recently reposted a very intelligent treatise on something he likes to call Rotarian Socialism and how each [...]

Alex,I’ll Take “Irony”for $600

The government is now in the mortgage business and the insurance business. I am sure others will expound on the AIG debacle and all of its implications in due course. I just wanted to point out the something that should make me laugh so hard it brings a tear to me eye… instead it just [...]