Introduction to Investing in San Diego Real Estate

Real Estate Investing is not nearly so difficult as you might think. As a matter of fact,with the right tools and a good advisor,real estate investing may be the safest,simplest way to accumulate wealth. At least…that’s what I thought before moving back to San Diego. I had been an options trader [...]

Investing in San Diego Real Estate:The Lost Years

As the Investing in San Diego Real Estate opening page suggested,there are really only two reasons the average person has missed out on the profits and safety inherent to investing in San Diego real estate:price and knowledge.

Price First and foremost in most people’s minds,the astronomical prices have prevented all but the [...]

Faulty Headlines and Defaulting Home Loans

Our local newspaper has recently been ringing the bell of fear and apprehension in regard to the housing market here in San Diego County. Has the housing market come to a screeching halt? Have people stopped buying homes? Certainly the local economy is doomed by the “shattering event” of loan defaults and foreclosures. Let’s take [...]

San Diego Economic Forecast

I was fortunate enough to attend the 2007 San Diego Economic Forecast,hosted by Stewart Title and featuring Ted Jones,PhD. Dr. Jones was the Chief Economist for Texas A&M University’s Real Estate Center,the nation’s largest publicly funded real estate research group. He currently serves at the Senior Vice President and Chief Economist for [...]

Lies,Damn Lies and Affordability Indexes

My apologies to Mark Twain. There has been a lot of comment recently on the dreadful numbers that come out with each affordability index report and I would like to take the opportunity to play devil’s advocate. Sometimes,when I look at a new report or statistical anylysis,I run the report’s conclusion through my [...]

Grim Future for Wells Fargo?

In my position as liability coach,I meet with a great many Real Estate agents as well as clients. Because of this I am privileged to hear a broad spectrum of opinions and perceptions on the housing market. Lately the topic of conversation has been the short sale. I have listened to seasoned veterans –[...]