Want Hyper-Local Blogging? Think Cat Blog

I spent a good portion of today pondering Jeff Brown’s post on hyper-local farming. (I know,I know;my ex-wife used to wonder how I was going to pay the bills too.) In a post over on BloodhoundBlog,Jeff celebrates the vindication of his earlier thesis on hyper-local blogging –or in Jeff’s case farming [...]

Dr. Strangeblog or:How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Social Media Marketing

When it comes to success in real estate,the key has always been and will always be:leads. The melody may change but the song remains the same. If you want to make money in Real Estate you must generate leads. If you want to become wealthy in Real Estate you must generate leads at [...]

Advice For the Board of Realtors:Less is More

I had an interesting discussion with a member of the finance committee in our local Board of Realtors. Seems that,according to their list of dues payers,membership is down almost one third. Which is to say that over 500 people are missing from the roster. Wearing their standard issue,rose colored glasses the board [...]

I Learned Everything I Needed to Know About Referral Marketing From a TV Show:Survivor

How can watching a TV program make you a more successful real estate agent? There is one reality show on right now that exemplifies referral marketing like no other. I am talking about Survivor. This year the producers of Survivor decided to create two teams:one comprised of fans of the show (think of them [...]

Marketing to be Mayor

Here’s the thing:he is absolutely doing the right thing and we should all be copying him,except that it would be pointless. [...]

Real Estate Success and Focus

How many Realtors consider themselves to be excellent at marketing? Or maybe a better question is:how many Realtors believe they could improve their marketing? How about especially when it comes to your Sphere of Influence:past clients,friends and family? I do not know if anyone would turn down a system for [...]