Coaching Success and Judging Horse Flesh

How do you know when you are backing a good horse? You see the guys that know horse flesh standing in line in front of you and betting the same horse. How do you know when you are becoming a pretty good judge of horse flesh yourself? When those same guys are betting on the [...]

Dr. Strangeblog or:How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Social Media Marketing

When it comes to success in real estate,the key has always been and will always be:leads. The melody may change but the song remains the same. If you want to make money in Real Estate you must generate leads. If you want to become wealthy in Real Estate you must generate leads at [...]

I Learned Everything I Needed to Know About Referral Marketing From a TV Show:Survivor

How can watching a TV program make you a more successful real estate agent? There is one reality show on right now that exemplifies referral marketing like no other. I am talking about Survivor. This year the producers of Survivor decided to create two teams:one comprised of fans of the show (think of them [...]

Marketing to be Mayor

Here’s the thing:he is absolutely doing the right thing and we should all be copying him,except that it would be pointless. [...]